Thrive Chiropractic & Health Clinic


Hamstring Stretch

Can Sports Massage Help a Hamstring Injury?

There are three muscles that make up the hamstring: the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus. Sitting actually stretches this muscle group, though too ...
Emergency Sports Massage

Emergency Sports Massage in Buckingham

Emergency For severe trauma contact: 999 If the illness or injury is life-threatening, don’t hesitate – call 999 straight away This could include: Numbness or ...
Athletic Injuries

Athletic Injuries Increased During the Covid Pandemic

Covid-19 hit us like a sledgehammer: quickly and forcefully. It stripped us of so much that we take for granted, replacing our normality with an ...
Back Pain

Chiropractic Exercise to Manage Back Pain

Most people will experience some type of back pain in their lives and this is increasing with more people spending long periods sat at a ...
Sports Massage Benefits

Benefits of Sports Massage

Sports massage has many benefits to athletes and non-athletes. It can help with chronic pain, injuries, muscle ache, and restricted motion. What Is Sports Massage? ...
Deep Tissue and Sports Massage

The Difference Between Deep Tissue and Sports Massage

Massage therapy uses touch and pressure to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. Doing so correctly can help to avoid injury, relieve pain, and ...
Sports Massage

What is Sports Massage?

A sports massage is a technique involving the regeneration of soft tissues of the body, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is not obligatory ...

Should You See a Chiropractor For Neck Pain?

Most people will suffer from neck pain at some point during the course of their lives. The pain may appear suddenly, disappear fairly quickly and ...
Back Pain Chiropractors

How Do Chiropractors Treat Back Pain?

At some point or the other, you either experience back pain or know someone who gets it. Whether it is a one-time thing, a persistent ...
Emergency Chiropractors

Emergency Chiropractors in Buckingham

Emergency Chiropractors For severe trauma contact: 999 If the illness or injury is life-threatening, don’t hesitate – call 999 straight away This could include: Numbness ...
Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to easing pain and promoting wellness. It is an approach that does not involve drugs and focuses on improving ...
Podiatrist or Chiropodist

Podiatrist or Chiropodist

A chiropodist and a podiatrist are both professionals who deal with treating the lower limb and feet. The difference between the two is dependent on ...
Emergency Podiatrists

Emergency Podiatrist in Buckingham

Emergency Podiatrist For severe trauma contact: 999 If the illness or injury is life-threatening, don’t hesitate – call 999 straight away This could include: Foot ...
Heel Pain

Heel Pain Diagnosis and Management

Pain is always unpleasant and can deny us the pleasure of enjoying a good day, spending time with family and friends, and even the comfort ...
Common Podiatry Conditions

Common Podiatry Conditions

The human foot is an evolutionary marvel and a biological masterpiece. It has a strong and flexible design that allows it to function pretty well ...
Working From Home

Top 10 Tips for Working From Home

At the time of writing this, most of us are self-isolating at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This means many of us are having ...