Thrive Chiropractic & Health Clinic

Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to easing pain and promoting wellness. It is an approach that does not involve drugs and focuses on improving overall lifestyle. If you have questions about chiropractic care and want to know whether it is right for you, this resource may help. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) we hear from our patients.

If you have a question that does not appear on this list, please contact us at our clinic or book an appointment with our chiropractors today.

Questions & Answers from our Chiropractors

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

Chiropractic care is holistic and non-invasive. It is an approach to health that takes the entire well-being of the patient into consideration. Chiropractic care has been proven to be safe.

When you visit the chiropractor, there is no surgery nor drugs involved. We may recommend certain anti-inflammatory or painkilling medication, depending on the injury or cause of your discomfort.

The only forms of medical care that are more popular than chiropractic care are traditional medicine and dentistry. Chiropractic care has been offered for more than a century. During this time, tens of millions of people have benefited from chiropractic care. Chiropractic care may minimise the need for surgery or may complement surgery by providing care during the recovery phase.

Some feel concerned about the safety of neck manipulation. Manipulation has been used for many years as a safe form of treatment to address neck pain and headaches. The misconceptions and concerns about this treatment have been proven to be unfounded.

Chiropractic care is medical treatment. No medical care, be it general medicine, dentistry, or chiropractic care, is 100 percent risk-free. During your visit, talk to your chiropractor about the concerns you have prior to continuing with treatment.

How Effective Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is effective. It offers a drug-free and non-invasive way to treat common conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. Complications that stem from treatment are rare.

There is an overwhelming amount of scientific and anecdotal evidence proving the effectiveness and safety of chiropractic care. In the past two decades, several independent and controlled resource studies have proven the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating headaches, lower back pain, neck pain, and other conditions stemming from issues with the musculoskeletal system.

Must My General Practitioner Refer Me to a Chiropractor?

No. You can schedule a visit with your chiropractor whenever you feel the need. Some medical insurance requires that your general practitioner refer you. In most cases, your general practitioner is going to be happy to know that you are getting chiropractic treatment.

There is a large body of evidence supporting chiropractic care for helping with neck pain, whiplash, shoulder pain, hip and knee pain, and migraines. Not all general practitioners know enough about chiropractic care to suggest its use. We are happy to communicate with your general practitioner and outline the reasons why you are interested in chiropractic care and its benefits. However, we will require your written consent to communicate with your general practitioner.

What Are Chiropractic Adjustments, and Are They Safe?

Chiropractic adjustments are safe. A typical chiropractic adjustment is a quick thrust designed to add motion to your spinal joints that are not functioning properly. Chiropractors will use a combination of manual adjustments, a specially designed table, instruments, and the force of gravity to adjust your spine. There are several ways to perform a spinal adjustment.

There is a large body of evidence showing that chiropractic adjustments are not only safe but can help avoid risky surgery. Statistics clearly show that chiropractic adjustments are safer than over-the-counter pain medications. Prior to performing any adjustment, your chiropractor will assess you thoroughly when determining if chiropractic care is right for your situation.

Will I Need to Take Imaging Scans or Other Test before My Visit?

It used to be common for chiropractors to x-ray all of their new chiropractic patients. With time, it became clear that x-raying each patient provided little benefit.

X-rays do not always provide of the right visibility to identify the sources of pain. You should be leery of chiropractors who demand that you get an x-ray and then based on the x-ray say that you need a lot of chiropractic care.

If we feel that you need additional imaging or tests, we will let you know after our consultation with you. We can refer you to specialist as a private patient. Or, with your permission, we can work through your general practitioner.

Are Chiropractic Adjustments the Same for Each Patient?

Absolutely not. Each patient is unique, so the type of care and the plan of management offered is unique. We offer our patients custom care tailored for their condition, health, and age.

The number of adjustments and the type of adjustment we do will vary from patient to patient. Some patients see progress after their first few visits. If that is true in your case, your visits will become less frequent as your condition stabilises.

If you are dealing with a chronic condition, healing can take longer. There are several factors that can affect how long it takes you to heal. For example, how long have you had the problem? Do you get sufficient rest and exercise? Are you a smoker? The answer to these questions will determine the plan of care we offer.

Can a Person Adjust Themselves?

This is a question we hear a lot. People will pop their joints and crack their neck. However, this is not an adjustment. In fact, you may make the problem worse by mobilising a joint that has too much mobility because the muscles and ligaments they are connected to are weak. Adjustments are pinpointed movements that take years of training to master. At times, an experienced chiropractor may consult with a colleague before determining the proper course of care.

Why Do My Joints Make a Sound during the Adjustment?

There is lubricating fluid around the bones of your spinal joints. The sound you hear during an adjustment is when that gas and fluid in the joint shifts. You can compare this to the sound you hear when you pop open a bottle of champagne or the sound you hear when you remove a suction cup off of glass. Many equate this sound with a therapeutic benefit. The sound is interesting, but it is not typically the source of any therapeutic benefit.

How Quickly Will I Feel Better?

When you visit our clinic, it is because you have a health concern and want to feel better. We want to help you feel better quickly.

If you have had the problem for a long time and there are several issues that need to be addressed, it may take weeks, months, or a year or more before you are completely recovered. Remember, many chiropractic issues result from years of poor posture and bad body mechanics. It would be unrealistic to expect that one adjustment can correct years of damage.

Your individual treatment plan will be discussed with you during your initial consultation. Most patients say that they feel lighter and better with just a few adjustments. However, the longer you have had the condition, the longer it is going to take for it to get better.

Your level of commitment to your treatment plan, including doing exercises at home and making adjustments to your posture, will also influence how quickly you feel better and how long the results will last.

What Is a Slipped Disc?

Your spine is made up of several pair of spinal vertebrae. In between the spinal vertebrae is a disc. You can think of the spinal disc like a jelly filled doughnut.

The outside is made up of a fibrous outer ring. Inside, there is a material that has a jelly-like consistency. This disc serves as a shock absorber and a ball bearing, allowing your joints to move.

Your spinal discs are attached to the bones above them and below them. The disc cannot physically slip out of place. However, what can happen is the jelly centre can push against the wall, causing the wall to bulge, tear, and create a hernia. With time, the disc can dry out and collapse. This is usually what people are referring to when they say they have a slipped disc.

How Often Will I Need to Go to the Chiropractor?

There are several factors that will determine the frequency of your treatments. These include the health problem you have, its severity, and the length of time you have had it. During your initial consultation, we will explain your treatment course.

Your goals are important in deciding how the treatment process will play out. Do you want immediate pain relief, or are you looking for a long-term solution?

Will the Chiropractor Give Me Exercises to Do?

Most people benefit from doing exercises at home. Your chiropractor will decide when you are ready to do exercises and will instruct you on the exercises you should do.

Any recommendation your chiropractor gives you is designed to help you recover faster. Your chiropractor wants to help you have excellent long-term results. By following the exercise program given, the hope is that you will have less pain and will have less need for treatment in the future. Your chiropractor will never force you to follow their advice. They will give advice based on what they think is in your best interests.

One of the best exercises for back conditions is walking. People walk all the time, but they don’t do it enough. If you can walk, even just a little without feeling pain, this is a good place to start.

What Is a Pinched Nerve?

A truly pinched nerve is a rare condition. Traditionally, when a person says they have a pinched nerve, they are referring to a spinal bone that is rubbing against or irritating their nerves. This can lead to symptoms in the areas affected by the nerves. For example, nerve irritation in the lower back can lead to pain radiating down the leg, pain in the buttocks, numbness, and weakness.

Is Chiropractic Care an Option during Pregnancy?

Absolutely. Chiropractic care is effective and safe during pregnancy. It can help with common issues associated pregnancy, including back pain, shoulder pain, and joint/muscle pain.

Is Osteoporosis an Impediment to Chiropractic Care?

No. People with osteoporosis can get chiropractic care. Your chiropractor will look at your unique circumstances and select a method of care that is right for your condition.

Will My Chiropractor Give Me Drugs or Injections?

No. Chiropractic care is non-invasive. It does not involve injections or surgery. Some patients may need anti-inflammatory medication and painkilling medication during the acute phase of their injury.

Painkilling medications should be used to make you more comfortable as you are resting. They are not a replacement for care. They are not designed to help you carry on as if you do not have an injury.

Chiropractic care is holistic, natural, and strives to take into consideration the entire well-being of the person. Chiropractors use their hands to manipulate the joints in your body. Instead of putting chemicals into your body or taking parts out, chiropractors focus on helping your body heal itself.

Taking painkillers may make you feel better in the moment, but they do nothing to address the reason why you are in pain. Painkillers can have serious side effects. A key tenet of chiropractic care is to provide pain management and help a patient function normally without relying on painkillers.

Does Chiropractic Care Hurt?

Your chiropractor is going to do everything in their power to minimise any discomfort you might feel. However, if the area being treated has acute muscle spasms or inflammation, there is going to be some discomfort. This is unavoidable.

Throughout the process, your chiropractor will ask you questions to get feedback from you about the severity of the discomfort you feel. They will then tweak the treatment they offer accordingly.

You may feel some soreness after the treatment. In rare cases, there may be a bruise. This discomfort will pass as your body goes to the process of healing itself and adjusting. Your chiropractor will be able to tell you in advance if it is likely that you are going to feel discomfort. They will give you recommendations on how you can minimise said discomfort.

How Can I Prepare in Advance for My Visit?

If you are a new patient, you can download the forms needed prior to visiting us. If you are an existing patient, but you have a new concern or are coming in for a revaluation, contact us in advance to receive the forms and information you will need before your visit.

If your question was not in this list or if you want more information, feel free to let us know before or during your visit with us. We look forward to helping you improve your overall well-being and live your best life.

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