Thrive Chiropractic & Health Clinic

Sports Therapy & Sports Massage Buckingham - Thrive Health Clinic

Buckingham Massage & Sports Therapy Clinic

Sports Therapy & Sports Massage in Buckingham
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Sports Massage Buckingham - How Can It Help You?

Sports Massage is the management and rehabilitation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, tendons and ligaments. You do not need to be an athlete or sports enthusiast to benefit from it. It is applicable to anybody wishing to recover from or prevent against soft tissue injuries So whether it’s for post-workout recovery, or simply to relieve tension and improve your wellbeing, our expert therapists provide treatment tailored to your needs. Sports massage provides a real feel good factor and is the perfect remedy to alleviate many of the day to day stresses our body encounters.

What’s the problem?

Pain relief

Injury prevention

Recovery from soft tissue injuries

Prevention & relief of muscle tension or soreness

Posture improvement

Improved relaxation and stress relief

Increased mobility

Enhance physical performance

Sports Therapists Can Help With:

Conditions arising from sporting injuries

Hip and Knee pain

Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist pain

Foot and Ankle pain

Back and Neck pain

How Do We Treat It

Joint & Soft Tissue Mobilisations

Progressive Rehabilitation Programs

Selective Functional Movement Assessments

Prevention & relief of muscle tension or soreness

Soft Tissue Release

Specialist Advice

Sports Massage

Supportive & Kinesiology Taping


Move Better, Live Better, Feel Better

Meet the Sports Massage Therapist at Thrive


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Sport Massage & Sports Therapy For Everyone

If you think sports massage is just for athletes, then let us reassure you that there are benefits for everyone. Younger and older; active and non-active individuals can all benefit from sports massage techniques which can help with injuries, chronic pain, muscle aches and restricted range of motion that affect us all. By releasing muscle tension and restoring balance to the musculo-skeletal system, improving flexibility and maintaining a healthier physical state, we can all benefit from sports therapy.
A sports massage can also help relieve many everyday problems such as repetitive strain injury, tiredness, soft tissue sprains/strains and work-related tension. Many of us will accumulate muscular tension on a daily basis by spending long hours sat at a computer, behind the wheel of a car, repetitive lifting, looking after young children and continually putting our body in unfavourable positions at work and home. A regular sports massage can help to keep your muscles in a more relaxed and flexible state and will give you a much-improved state of well-being.

If you’d like to discuss your needs, please get in touch here or via 01280 460036. Alternatively, book an appointment using the button below.

Contact Us

Get In Touch

If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions then please get in touch! You can find our details below.


Riverside Barn, Unit D, Bourton Business Centre, Bourton Road, Buckingham MK18 7DS