Thrive Chiropractic & Health Clinic

The Difference Between Deep Tissue and Sports Massage

The Difference Between Deep Tissue and Sports Massage

Massage therapy uses touch and pressure to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. Doing so correctly can help to avoid injury, relieve pain, and promote general wellbeing. Massage therapy is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of styles.

Every style serves a unique purpose and has unique benefits. The two main categories of massage are relaxation massage and rehabilitative massage. Within rehabilitative massage, there are two common approaches to take. One is deep tissue massage and the other is sports massage. Deep tissue massage and sports massage are similar in that they have their origins in the same science and use the same basic movements. Sports massage was born out of deep tissue massage techniques. It is important to know the differences between the two to determine the best course of treatment for addressing the specific problems.

Defining Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is used to address issues with the muscles of the body. During a deep tissue massage, a chiropractor will use long, slow strokes to put sustained pressure on the muscles. Deep tissue massage is not just about relaxation. Done correctly this technique will relieve stiffness and muscle pain. This is an appropriate technique for those stuffing with chronic pain, fatigue, or soreness. Deep tissue massage treats the muscles in several ways by relaxing trigger points, encouraging blood flow, resolving knots, and reducing the build-up of toxins.

Defining Sports Massage

Sports massage is a technique for treating specific types of injuries. It can also be used to improve posture and enhance athletic conditioning; allowing athletes to perform at their highest level. Athletes may need a sports massage to correct damage done by trauma, poor biomechanics, or muscle imbalances. A sports massage therapist will use several techniques to achieve these results by realigning and loosening the fibres in affected muscles. Often, sports massage is in combination with other physiotherapy techniques like active and passive stretching to assist in full rehabilitation of the injured area. Sports massage can also help with injury prevention and increasing range of motion by relaxing the muscles surrounding joints to allow them to function properly.

What are the differences?

When trying to decide which massage is right for you, there are a few things to consider:

Type of Injury

Both types of massage are useful for relieving pain and tension; however, they have different applications in the type of injury they address. Deep tissue massage is appropriate for a wide range of muscular issues. Sports massage is used in a more targeted manner to heal sports related stresses and injuries. For example, sports massage would be best for healing shin splints or hamstring strains. Sports massage can provide relief for pain in joints and reduce swelling. Deep tissue massages, on the other hand, are best for treating neck and back strains.

Age of Injury

Sports massages focus on relieving pain from repetitive motions performed over a longer period of time. A sports massage will focus specifically on healing these chronic injuries. Deep tissue massage generally focuses more on new areas of pain in muscles.

Area of Body

Another difference between the two techniques is the area of the body they cover. Deep tissue massage is meant to relieve tension or stress on muscles by working out knots and increasing circulation. Generally, a successful deep tissue massage will need to be a full body massage. In contrast, sports massage takes a more focused approach, targeting the specific parts of the body that are injured or painful. Often sports massages work on one part of the body that is used in regular physical activities that require repetitive movements.


Even though both deep tissue and sports massage use similar movements to resolve pain and tension, the goals of the treatments can differ. Sports massages focus on healing overuse injuries on a particular part of the body or to enhance conditioning for a particular activity. Sport massages can boost flexibility and performance as well as prevent injuries. The goal is focused and precise on a specific area of the body or performance goal. Deep tissue massage is more appropriate for someone interested in more general muscular pain relief or even to reduce mental stress. Deep tissue massages can also release toxins and enhance circulation. People do not need to participate in regular physical activity or have a specific injury to benefit from a deep tissue massage. The goal of deep tissue massage is to provide a firm, full body massage that relaxes both the body and the mind.

Supplemental services

Sports massage is often paired with other types of healing techniques, like active and passive stretching, to prevent or treat injury. Deep tissue massage is more likely to be a stand alone intervention for general muscle pains.

Types of Clients

Sports massages are generally used by people who are engaged in intense and frequent physical activity. Professional athletes, collage athletes, and high school athletes will use sports massage to heal or prevent injury. They also may use it as part of pre-event and post-event warm ups and cool downs as a way to prevent muscle cramping. People who get sports massages tend to schedule them on a regular basis and make them part of their overall conditioning routine. A wider variety of people will seek a deep tissue massage including desk workers, teachers, medical personnel, and work at home parents. People getting deep tissue massages tend to schedule them less frequently and on a “as needed” basis, rather than as part of specific health routine.


When experiencing muscular pain, it is important to seek treatment. Both deep tissue and sports massage will help alleviate muscular pain and increase quality of life and comfort. Understanding the differences between the two is helpful in selecting the most effective approach and getting the best long term results. To summarise:

Sports Massage

  • A sports massage focuses on smaller areas of the body.
  • A sports massage is for treating specific minor and chronic injuries caused by repetitive movement.
  • A sports massage will involve other techniques like active and passive stretching to realign and loosen muscle fibers.
  • A sports massage can increase physical performance by improving range of motion and relieving tension around joints.
  • Sports massages are for older and bigger knots and areas of tension than deep tissue massage.
  • Sports massages are for specific injuries, not general aches and pains

Deep Tissue Massage

  • Deep tissue massages are generally given as full body massages, focusing on larger areas of the upper and lower body
  • A deep tissue massage is intended to break down knots, relieve muscle tension, and reduce stress in newer areas of pain or tension.
  • The techniques used in deep tissue massage are meant to also increase blood circulation to help muscles receive oxygen and recover more quickly.
  • A deep tissue massage focuses on muscles rather than the tendons and joins supporting the muscles.
  • Deep tissue massages do not involve passive or active stretching
  • Deep tissues massages are suited to a wide range of individuals to address general aches and pains.

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